Data integration for the greater good
The Data Integration Support Center (DISC) at WestEd provides expert planning and user-centered design, policy, privacy, and legal assistance for public agencies nationwide.

Our Focus Areas
DISC supports efforts to integrate data across key sectors while protecting privacy and ensuring the usefulness, fidelity, and transparency of the data systems. We provide comprehensive support and expertise to public agencies to modernize integrated data systems (IDSs) through customized assistance in focus areas that are critical to the development, sustainability, and maturity of IDSs. Many of these services are provided at no cost.

How we work
DISC provides targeted support to public agencies with a development need or problem related to integrated data systems. DISC’s support involves communication between our experts and the public agency through:
- Webinars
- Small or large group facilitation
- One-on-one consultation
- On-site meetings
- Speaking engagements
- Document review and analysis

Why we do it
Successfully expanding and improving Integrated Data Systems requires knowledge and expertise to protect privacy and secure systems to support innovating systems to manage and deliver accessible, longitudinal, actionable, and cross-sector data.