This workshop was designed to familiarize legal professionals with the key technologies and technical architecture that support Integrated Data Systems. This training demystified the tools and technologies that aid in data storage, management, processing, cybersecurity, and data protection. When agencies begin to share and integrate data, the work is commonly approached as a technical project. This training emphasized and encouraged participants to think about the technical components of the work as a process to support analytics and insights, and ultimately, improvement in policies, practice, and outcomes. This workshop is ideal for legal professionals looking to enhance their technological literacy and equip them with the basic knowledge to competently advise their clients on the risks and benefits of these powerful technologies.
Aaron Bean
Managing Director
- IDS Uses & Benefits, AISP
- Architecting Resilient and Adaptive Communities Through Technological Innovation, Asemio
- Narrowing Technology Solutions for Integrated Data System (IDS) Initiatives A Provider Framework Toolkit, AISP
- Introduction to Data Sharing and Integration, AISP
- Rychkova, Irina & Zdravkovic, Jelena & Speckert, Thomas. (2013). Challenges of EA Methodologies Facing Progressive Decentralization in Modern Organizations. 1023.
- Top Three Criteria to Evaluate When Selecting a Technology Partner for a Nonprofit, Asemio
Workshop Resource