DISC + AISP Legal Professionals Workshops


To increase the use of cross-sector data for evidence and action, the Data Integration Support Center (DISC) and Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy (AISP) have partnered to offer Legal Professionals Workshops to Support Data Integration. 

Join this series of free virtual workshops designed to train legal professionals serving local, state, and tribal governments in navigating legal barriers to data sharing and integration. While this series will primarily center on legal professionals, non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use (including analysts, technologists, and policymakers) can also benefit from the information in this series.

Data sharing and integration help government agencies better understand the complex needs of residents and improve policies, programs, and outcomes long-term. To make this possible, public sector data sharing requires the support of professionals who are equipped to support public agencies and engage in transparent, shared decision-making around ethical data use. 

Based on DISC + AISP’s combined years of experience, the workshop series will explore core themes and competencies to prepare legal professionals and data-sharing practitioners for engagement in data sharing and integration. 

The series is organized into 3 themes that build individual and institutional capacity to use evidence for action:

  1. Foundational Legal Pathways,
  2. Modernizing Integrated Data Systems (IDS) to Create Efficiencies and Promote Transparency, and
  3. Navigating Nuances. 

The series begins in February 2024. To be notified when registration opens for workshops, join our email list.

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Meet the Hosts

The Data Integration Support Center (DISC) at WestEd helps public agencies address the challenges of data integration and support equity. DISC provides comprehensive technical assistance relative to privacy and security, external legal support, legislative analysis and governance, and system security.

Actionable Intelligence for Social Policy (AISP), based at the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice, helps state and local governments collaborate and responsibly use data to improve lives. AISP operates a network of 38 sites across the U.S. and provides technical assistance to jurisdictions at various stages of developing integrated data systems.

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About the Workshops

This DISC + AISP series of workshops offers support for a wide range of professionals! Early sessions are designed to meet the needs of legal professionals who are beginning to explore these topics and are interested in learning the basics of data sharing and integration. Later sessions are designed for those who are already engaged in data sharing but are looking to hone more nuanced approaches or learn about emerging tools and technology. 

Each workshop will feature the following:

  • A robust curriculum of engaging virtual workshops led by national experts and experienced practitioners that explore a major theme related to public sector data sharing;
  • Access to a rich community of peers working to address the legal challenges of sharing and integrating data; and
  • Practical resources, materials, and use cases to support ongoing data sharing and integration.

Some workshops will also offer the opportunity to apply for Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credit hours, at no cost to participants or their agencies, in certain states. 

Workshops will take place on Mondays at 1:00 p.m. (ET) and run for approximately 60 minutes. Space in each workshop is available for 30–40 participants, so be sure to sign up early! 

The workshop sessions are organized into a series of sequential units to help participants build their understanding throughout the series. Participants are not expected to attend all of the workshops in a unit but are encouraged to attend multiple sessions. To be notified when registration opens for workshops, join our email list.

Find session links and learn more details about the intended audience and content covered below.

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Unit 1: Foundational Legal Pathways

Unit 1 explored the major federal laws governing the sharing of data, including individually identifiable information, privacy frameworks, ethics, risk management, social policy, data governance, and security. It dispelled commonly held myths about the legality of data integration and data sharing generally.

Dates are subject to change.
DISC and AISP are seeking CLE approval in California, Illinois, and New York for workshops in BOLD.

DateTitlePrimary Audience
FEB 26, 2024Navigating the Data Frontier: The Role of Lawyers in Data Sharing and IntegrationLegal professionals and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, technologists, and policymakers
MAR 12, 2024Data 101 for Lawyers: Navigating the Data Life CycleLegal professionals
MAR 22, 2024Federal Privacy Basics Part 1 (FERPA 101 & HIPAA 101)Legal professionals and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, technologists, and policymakers
APR 22, 2024Getting Started: Legal Frameworks for Data Sharing and Legal Analytics 101Legal professionals
MAY 13, 2024IDS Use Across SectorsLegal professionals
MAY 20, 2024Federal Privacy Basics Part 2Legal professionals
JUN 24, 2024Tech 101: Tech Used in Integrated Data Systems for LawyersLegal professionals
JUL 29, 2024How to Translate Legalese for Technologists Technologists and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, and policymakers

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Unit 2: Modernizing IDS to Create Efficiencies and Promote Transparency

The workshops in Unit 2 will explore issues around modernizing IDS, creating efficiencies, and sharing outputs from IDS. Unit 2 workshops will begin in September 2024.

SEP 9, 2024Federal Privacy Basics Continued (42 CFR Part 2)Legal professionals and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, technologists, and policymakers
SEP 23, 2024Navigating State LawLegal professionals and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, technologists, and policymakers
OCT 17, 2024Legal Frameworks Part 2 Legal professionals
OCT 28, 2024Getting Your Board on Board: Advocating for Data & Sharing IntegrationLegal professionals
NOV 18, 2024Myth Busting: The Power & Promise of Data Sharing for School/Health LawyersLegal professionals and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, technologists, and policymakers
DEC 5, 2024Hand it Over: Navigating State Public Records Acts in Data Sharing & IntegrationLegal professionals and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, technologists, and policymakers
JAN 27, 2025Building a Table: Engaging Cross-Agency Partners for LawyersLegal professionals and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, technologists, and policymakers
FEB 10, 2025A Lawyer’s Role for Analysts and Policymakers
Legal professionals and non-lawyers who support agencies in data sharing and use, including analysts, technologists, and policymakers

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Unit 3: Navigating Nuances

The workshops in Unit 3 will explore more nuanced and complex issues to expand data integration efforts. Unit 3 workshops will begin in January 2025.

TBDYes, No, Maybe: Legal & Ethics Considerations on Informed Consent in Data Sharing and Integration
TBDDe-Identification & Preventing Re-Identification
TBDDemystifying Privacy Preserving/Enhancing Technologies
TBDData Integration to Support Early Warning Systems & Predictive Analytics
TBDArtificial Intelligence in Data Integration
TBDTribal Data Sovereignty and Indian Law
TBDRacial Equity, Power, & the Law
TBDCybersecurity for Integrated Data System

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Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Credits

DISC and AISP are seeking CLE credits for selected workshops in New York, California, and Illinois. Credits are subject to each state’s approval. DISC and AISP will provide documentation to support lawyers from other states individually seeking CLE credits. 

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